Congratulations, Mariners Hoteliers Club and Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges Naga, for the success of the Hospitality & Culinary Convention: Get ready to experience BICOL CULTURE CULINARY COMMERCE held last February 29, 2016 at the Pili Capitol Convention Center. And props for organizing such a noteworthy event – one that aims to properly equip the tourism industry’s future players for a great and meaningful career.

Hospitality & Culinary Convention | February 29, 2016 | Pili Capitol Convention Center
Naga City Guide was one of the convention’s resource persons, speaking on the topic of “Digital Marketing in Tourism and Culinary Industry”. When Jorim Sumangid (whom I met while I was taking the Events Management Services NCIII classes at WRI Colleges MetroNaga) asked if I could speak on online marketing at a convention he was organizing, I did not shilly-shally and said yes immediately. Online marketing is my passion, and sharing my knowledge about it was no chore at all.

Naga City Guide speaks on online marketing at the hospitality & culinary convention
Hospitality & Culinary Convention Speakers
There were four other resource persons at the convention.
Gerald Panghulan, Chef Instructor at Universidad de Sta. Isabel and owner of Flavours Gastronomica talked about culinary trends and technique. It was a pleasure seeing you at the convention, Chef Gerald!
Jorim told me Allen Lucre Reondanga, Head of the City Events, Protocol, and Public Information Office (CEPPIO) and the man behind the invaluable Naga Smiles to the World Facebook Fan Page (also a classmate in the Events Management Services NCIII course I mentioned earlier) talked about MICE and its impact on the tourism industry. I’m sorry I missed your talk, Sir Allen.
And still according to Jorim, Mabeth Apring talked about bartending trends while Frances Ranere tackled the topic of food inventory management.
Once again, congrats Mariners Polytechnic Colleges, and thanks for inviting us to the Hospitality & Culinary Convention.