Open Secrets: Your Success Blueprint is a book about entrepreneurship written by business coach Ed Pilapil Jr. Coach Ed is also our mentor/speaker during the 19 Touchstones Seminar last year and the monthly Practical MBA program for local business owners and managers here in Naga City. If you are a fan of Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Bo Sanchez, etc then I’m sure you’ll be delighted with this book.
Open Secrets is a book that takes us through 8 elements that translates an idea into a successful business. I will not go through a discussion of the seven elements here [download the ebook, it’s a must read] but let me just say that although some of the elements discussed are those we are already familiar with like passion, a number actually provides a lot of new insight about building a business. Don’t discount the items you are familiar with too as these chapters provide new insight to how things work – ex: the chapter about raising capital for your business.
Let me discuss one of these elements – Circles. This chapter discusses the importance of growing your network to proportionally grow the opportunities that come your way. As you may well know, Naga City Guide is a fanpage/website that regularly interacts with local businesses. Through the course of more than a year talking to business owners, this network has opened for me a lot of potential partnerships with local businesses some of which you will see realized in the coming months. These local business opportunities would not have been possible if we did not invest in expanding our network.
Do let this book be one of your insightful guides to creating or upgrading your own business. By downloading this book, you may also find yourself being invited to business seminars, workshops, groups, etc.
Please download the book by clicking on the photo below. Don’t forget to give your feedback. : )